So, you’ve finished your work experience placement. If all went to plan, you will have had an enjoyable time, learnt a lot about your chosen company and gained a valuable insight into the world of work. Now that it’s over, it’s time to express your appreciation to the company who provided you with all this.

You will have thanked the employer on the last day of your work experience placement, but a letter is also important, as it is a more formal way to demonstrate you are grateful for the time the employer has put into arranging your placement.

Since the letter is written after the placement, it is also a chance to show you have reflected on the experiences you had and what you have learnt.

This is just a suggested template for you to use! Alter it to suit you, but keep it positive!

<Your address and contact details>

<Date of letter>

Dear <the name of the person you are writing to>

<Company name and address>


Dear <the name of your main contact in the company>,

Thank you for allowing me to spend a week at <name of company> in <month>.

I am very grateful for your help in organising my placement and to all the staff who gave up their time to <show me their job/explain what your company does/give me tasks to work on/take me on a tour of your company. Also add anything else you would like to thank the company for>.

I found the week very useful. I learnt a great deal about <what the workplace is like/important skills and qualities needed for work/the importance of customer service skills. Remember to add anything else you learnt>.

I also gained an insight into <engineering/a particular job which interests me for the future/ the skills needed to do….> and my confidence <in….> has grown.

Thank you again,

Yours sincerely,

<your name>