Technology doesn’t stand still, so neither do we. We’re always working to make the functionality of Indigo modules better. After feedback from users, from today it is now possible to link your own school email address to Indigo WorkEx, so all emails you send to your contacts as part of your campaigns will come from your chosen address, instead of our Indigo address.

This will mean a much more personal experience for everyone involved, and it also opens up the opportunity for your contacts to reply directly to any emails you send using WorkEx. All of these replies will go straight to your own inbox!

You don’t have to worry about any emails you have already scheduled – all messages will continue to be sent from until you make the switch.

It’s a very simple process to get your address set up, which we’ve summarised in this easy guide. You can change your chosen email address as many times as you need, but please be aware that all your staff users must use the same address.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or encounter any issues!