Ensuring young people have access to personal career guidance. Meeting Gatsby Benchmark #8…

Due to their popularity, we are re-running this exclusive series of eight webinars from Tristram Hooley and David Andrews, the authors of The Careers Leader Handbook.

Personal career guidance describes the one-to-one support that is given to individual students by a careers adviser, to help them make choices about future options. Since 2012 schools and colleges have been required to secure access to impartial career guidance for students from Year 8 to Year 13.

Gatsby Benchmark #8 sets an expectation that all students will have a career guidance interview with a professionally qualified careers adviser by age 16 and the opportunity for a further such interview between 16 and 18.

In this webinar David Andrews will define personal career guidance and discuss professional practice. He will discuss various approaches to providing career guidance, both through internally appointed advisers and through commissioning services from external providers. He will also cover links with tutoring, mentoring and wider pastoral and student support, and approaches to referring students for guidance.


To view all eight videos in this series, click the “webinar” tag link just below for a feed of all posts in this series.