Planning careers education in the curriculum. Meeting Gatsby Benchmark #4…

Due to their popularity, we are re-running this exclusive series of eight webinars from Tristram Hooley and David Andrews, the authors of The Careers Leader Handbook.

Career guidance interviews, employer talks and careers events such as job fairs and visits to colleges and universities are all important features of an overall careers programme but students also need to gain the knowledge and understanding, and to develop the skills, to plan and manage their career progression.

One way of ensuring that no-one gets missed out is to make sure that careers education is well embedded into the curriculum, both by organising specific careers lessons and by including careers content in other subjects and courses. This is why Gatsby Benchmark 4 recommends that “all teachers should link curriculum learning to careers”.

In this webinar David Andrews will define careers education and offer advice on how to identify the outcomes you want to achieve from it. He will also look at how to go about designing schemes of work for careers education and discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to delivering the programme in your school or college. In this last section David will also cover ways of working with other subject areas to link their teaching to careers.


Be sure to check back next week for the next webinar in this series of eight. Alternatively, click the “webinar” tag link just below for a feed of all posts in this series so far.