Careers leaders, Gatsby benchmarks and where to start…

Since last September, all schools have had to appoint a ‘careers leader’ to drive good quality careers provision in their school or college. This is all very well, but what does it mean in practice for the individuals who are asked to take on this role?

Due to their popularity, we are re-running this exclusive series of eight webinars from Tristram Hooley and David Andrews, the authors of The Careers Leader Handbook. In this first webinar, they explain what a careers leader is and sets out some key starting points for new careers leaders. The webinar includes discussion of the policy expectations, insights into the material in the book and the opportunity to ask questions about some of the key areas that might be concerning you.


Be sure to check back next week for the next webinar in this series of eight. Alternatively, click the “webinar” tag link just below for a feed of all posts in this series.