Making use of labour market information. Meeting Gatsby Benchmark #2…

Due to their popularity, we are re-running this exclusive series of eight webinars from Tristram Hooley and David Andrews, the authors of The Careers Leader Handbook. The third in the series takes you through the careers leader role and meeting the Gatsby benchmarks.

Good career guidance rests on good-quality information about the opportunities available and the progression options that follow from them. Without such information young people cannot make informed choices about their future pathways. Career and labour market information includes information on future study options, such as GCSE and A level examination courses, vocational programmes and technical education qualifications in schools and FE colleges, apprenticeships and higher education, as well as information on jobs and the labour market. It also encompasses information on related matters such as student finance and sources of advice and guidance.

In this webinar Tristram Hooley takes you through various key sources of labour market information and discuss how they can most effectively be used as part of your careers programme.


Be sure to check back next week for the next webinar in this series of eight. Alternatively, click the “webinar” tag link just below for a feed of all posts in this series so far.