Working with employers. Meeting Gatsby Benchmarks #5 & #6…

Due to their popularity, we are re-running this exclusive series of eight webinars from Tristram Hooley and David Andrews, the authors of The Careers Leader Handbook.

One of the challenges of running a careers programme inside a school or college is that it can be difficult to bring the world of work to life. The students will have spent all of their lives to date in the home or in education and many of their teachers may have done the same.

To address this it is important to bring in a range of perspectives from employers and other workers, and also to provide opportunities for students to gain direct experience of the workplace. Gatsby Benchmark #5 sets the challenging target that every year, from age 11 to age 18, students should have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer. Gatsby Benchmark #6 sets an expectation that students should have at least two experiences of the workplace before they leave school or college.

In this webinar David Andrews will discuss the range of contributions employers can make to careers programmes. He will present the different activities that can be organised and the different approaches to engaging with employers and organising experiences of the world of work. He will also discuss what constitutes a ‘meaningful’ encounter and how to maximise the learning from such experiences.


Be sure to check back next week for the next webinar in this series of eight. Alternatively, click the “webinar” tag link just below for a feed of all posts in this series so far.