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Introduction and logging in

Indigo is our new, slimmed-down version that makes it easier than ever to access our industry-leading content. With one easy login for students, there’s no need to create individual accounts or worry about data security.

If you’ve just purchased a subscription, we’ll be in touch shortly to provide your login details. You will receive two logins: one for teachers, and one for students. The student account can be accessed by up to 30 students at any time.

The Careers module from Indigo is structured to focus on three different profiles:

  1. Careers: including LMI, pathways information and a growing number of insight videos;
  2. Industry sectors: a chance to take a step back and look at the bigger picture;
  3. Employers: information on some of the biggest companies in the UK.

When you access Indigo, you will arrive at the Careers dashboard, where you can start exploring these profiles. You will also be able to see our Career of the Month, and access the latest relevant articles from our Magazine. Below is how the student account looks. Teachers — you will also be able to access our bank of lesson plans.

Exploring careers

You can explore by individual industry sector or via a featured employer profile – but perhaps the best, and most individualised, place for students to begin is with a personalised search.

— Click the Explore Careers title on their Careers dashboard.

— Here, you have four options. You can:

  1. browse the pages of careers in alphabetical order;
  2. search for a specific job using the search bar;
  3. view a random career profile using the “Lucky Dip” button;
  4. or turn on our filtering system by sliding the filters toggle to “on”.

— There are four sets of search filters available. (Note: all are optional, with search results being more relevant as more information is entered).

  1. Qualifications: Does the student expect to leave school post-GCSE, A Levels or university? (More than one can selected if unsure).
  2. Skills & Traits: How might the student describe themselves to others?
  3. Interests: A useful place to start a careers exploration for any student is to identify what is already of interest to them.
  4. Industry sectors: If a student already has an interest in certain sectors of employment they can further refine their search by selecting them here.

TOP TIP: Careers most relevant to the student are displayed first. This in itself can make for an interesting class discussion — “why do you think these careers might be the more relevant to you?”

Viewing an individual career

Each of the hundreds of careers within Indigo features its own full-screen profile to be explored by the student, a growing number including video case studies.

— From the Explore Careers screen, either before or after running a personalised search, students can click on an individual career’s tile to view its profile page.

— Each profile includes a comprehensive summary of the career, alongside key details covering the type of work involved, potential qualification pathways, competition and demand, as well as core LMI data.

— Links to related careers, industry sectors, employers and associations are also included — these are designed as opportunities for future discussion and exploration with the student.

Comparing careers

Placing different careers side-by-side is a great way for students to visually compare similarities and differences in labour market information. It is also a great catalyst for classroom discussion.

— The Explore interface is a great place for students to select careers to directly compare.

— Each career tile includes a “compare” icon to create a list of up to three jobs and view key information side-by-side. Students can directly compare up to three careers at once.

— You can also add a career to their compare list when viewing an individual career’s profile page.

— Once in the compare screen, key LMI data is displayed side-by-side allowing for easy visual comparison — alongside related careers and industry sectors for students to continue exploring.

— Careers can be added and removed for continued exploration.

Saving and printing profiles

Both students and teachers can download career profiles in PDF format for printing or use offline:

— On a career profile, simply click “Print” and the profile will download.


You can also create a shortlist of career profiles during your session:

— On a career profile, click “Save”.

— In the purple bar near the top of your screen, you will see the number in the “profiles saved this session” increase by one.

— Click on this link to see all the profiles you have saved during your current session.

— From this page, you can download individual profile PDFs or select profiles to send to an email address of your choosing.

— NB This shortlist will be lost when you log out, and it will not be visible next time you log in.

Liking profiles: Teachers only

Using the teacher login, you can create a shortlist of career, employer and industry sector profiles which will be saved for the next time you access Indigo:

— Within each individual career profile page, you have the option to “like” a career, by clicking the button at the top of the profile page.

— You can build a shortlist of profiles for future reflection or discussion in this way.

— Liked profiles can be viewed in a single location via the main Careers dashboard, by clicking the “Liked profiles” button.

For any more information, please contact us using this form.