Trotman Publishing

What Employers Want – extra digital resources

Moving from school or college into work is one of the biggest steps you’ll ever take. It’s an exciting time but it’s also a challenging one. Having spent most of your life in education – where you have to be whether you can think of better things to do – suddenly you’re fighting off competition to get that crucial first job. But what skills are employers really looking for and what makes you employable?

The book includes exercises and worksheets to fill out whilst/after reading. The worksheets are recreated here, available to download in PDF format so you can complete them in detail and amend them as your skillset improves.

What Employers Want
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Resources for Section 2: Where are you now?

2.1 — Who are you and what can you do?

2.2 — Your strengths and weaknesses

2.3 — What are your plans?

Resources for Section 10: Understanding the business

10.1 — Do your research

Resources for Section 11: Write your own profile

11.1 — Skills review

11.2 — SMART objectives