
Discover how Indigo can support careers guidance in your school from the people who are using the platform now.

Indigo offers a fabulous resource to use with Level 3 students exploring university and planning their UCAS applications. ‘Indigo Unis’ provides our students at Bath College with the opportunity to compare universities, subjects, and degree courses. The level of detail provided helps our students make decisions, write personal statements, and prepare for interviews. Well informed, they can find out how competitive their preferred universities are and what they offer to them as a potential student, including an insight into student life. Students particularly like to explore the destination information and the bespoke tips to help target their personal statements. I highly recommend using the resource at the very beginning of student’s research, to ensure they have a good foundation for a successful application.

Donna Gillmore

Careers Adviser, Bath College

Indigo is loaded with important information for students at each major transitional point in their school career.

Because there is so much information available, students will benefit from initial guidance on how to navigate the site so that they get optimum use from the platform!

Work Related Learning Advisor

Secondary School

Indigo offers a comprehensive package of careers education resources, including lesson plans, expertly written articles, job profiles and LMI. All its resources are reliable and up to date and are aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks.

All in all, a very high quality source of support for any school or college aiming to bolster its careers education and guidance programme. Highly recommended.

Oliver Jenkin

Career Development Consultant

We have introduced Indigo Careers Platform to our school this year to support our students in their long term careers planning. So far students have been introduced to Indigo on Student Development Days carrying out research activities to get them acquainted with the platform. Our Key stage 3 students were also set a research task during National Careers Week to use Indigo at home with their parents/carers and we were pleased to see the huge range of careers they researched as evidenced by the feedback forms they completed at the end of their Home Learning Task.

Here’s just a few of our students’ comments when asked what they liked about Indigo:

  • “Being able to explore jobs I didn’t even know existed”
  • “I liked the videos and how I can see a job from another person’s perspective”
  • “I liked how it would come up with lots of ideas about future jobs that would be suitable for you”
  • “How it shows lots of different jobs and the rewards you will get and what I will need to do at school to be able to do that job”
  • “I like that you could see the salaries, the working hours and the skills and qualifications that I’ll need for my dream job!”

Our teaching staff have also been encouraged to make use of Indigo during their lessons to illustrate where their subjects can lead to and this was a whole school focus during National Careers Week.

The set up support from Indigo was great, making it very straight forward to establish our platform. It is fitting in well to our Careers Programme and I’m sure will be of great use to our students in the future. The bank of lesson plans has been very useful in providing tailored Key Stage activities which can easily be adapted or modified to fit the situation they are being used in.

Amanda Bibby

Poynton High School

Indigo is an informative, highly effective and in-depth comparison tool – helping our students explore and consolidate their next steps with ease!

Careers Team

Lycee International de Londres Winston Churchill

My school has used Indigo for over two years and I believe it is the best product on the market for university course research. It’s particularly good at helping students understand the tariff requirements for each course and narrow down their shortlist of universities.

My students and I use many of the features on Indigo. The Personal Statement Builder is really helpful for students writing their personal statements, and the Careers module has encouraged my students to think really hard about what role or industry they might end up working in. The toolkit and magazine articles have also been very useful in my endeavours to improve the careers advice and services we offer at our school.

I’ve worked in careers for well over 6 years. In that time, I have tried a variety of free and paid-for products, but Indigo is the one I have stuck with. The fact I plan to continue using Indigo in my school speaks volumes of the quality of what they do. I am sold on this product – it offers great value for money and the staff have taken care of all my needs.

David Kemsley

Student Futures Advisor, St Joseph’s College

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Overview of Indigo's modules
Indigo and the Gatsby Benchmarks
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